Monday, August 25, 2008

PC Tips : Reinstall your XP without Data Loss

Following steps will help you to reinstall your Windows XP without data loss :

Start Windows XP
Goto Command Prompt using CMD
Then, open your Windows CD Setup source files
Type WINNT32 /unattend

Example : D:\I386\winnt32 /unattend (D:\ - assume that your CD Drive is D:)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

PC Tips : Best Excel Shortcuts

Following are one of the best shortcuts of MS Excel :

1. Outline border to the selected cells - Ctrl Shift &
2. Change Date format with day, month, and year - Ctrl Shift #
3. Change Time format with hour and minute, AM or PM - Ctrl Shift @
4. For the current time - Ctrl Shift :
5. For current date - Ctrl ;
6. Hide selected rows - Ctrl 9
7. Hide selected columns - Ctrl 0
8. Display Farmulas / Alternate in the worksheet - Ctrl `
9. Display the Find / Replace dialog box - Ctrl H
10.To insert Hyperlink - Ctrl K

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

PC Tips : Disable Registry Editor (Windows XP Pro)

As you know that, Registry Editor is a very powerful tool of Windows XP Pro. To use this you can control your XP completely.

If you need you can Disable Registry Editor and protect your computer from unwanted changes being made. Use the below steps to do that :

Start Group Policy Editor using gpedit.msc
In Left Panel Select User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System
Then, In Right Panel Select Prevent Access to Registry Editing Tools and enable it

Now you can't access Registry Editor.

Note : This is not for Windows XP Home

PC Tips : Spelling Checker for any Win Application

If you need to use spelling checker utility other then Word Application, you can try the following application. That is TINYSPELL, this is handy application and it allows you to check and correct in any windows application quickly / easily.

TINYSPELL installs in system try for easy access and it comes with an American English Dictionary, contains more than 110,000 words. It works fine with notepad too.

Download link : EXE File -
Download link : ZIP File -

Sunday, August 10, 2008

PC Tips : Shortcut for Removing USB Devices Safely

Normally we use tray icon Safely Remove Hardware to remove our USB devices from PC. But if we have more tray icons, then we probably need some time to find Safely Remove Hardware icon. So, we can create a desktop icon for removing USB devices Safely and Quickly.

Use the below steps to create a desktop icon for removing USB devices :

Right Click on Desktop and select New and then select Shortcut
Type RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll and press Next
Then Type the name of the shortcut like Remove USB

Your shortcut is ready now, you can double click to easily and safely remove your USB Devices.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

PC Tips : Check Your Age on Other Planets

Every planet takes different time frame to rotate the sun. Our Earth takes 365 days or One year to do the same. In our solar system, some planets take less than one Earth year and others take many Earth years to rotate.

What would be our age if we were born on MERCURY, VENUS, MARS, JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO ?

With the help the following website we can calculate our age in other planets

Check this website

Try this and give your comments.

PC Tips : More Registry Tips - Windows XP

More Registry Tips :

Automatically Kill Non-Responsive Tasks

Goto Registry Editor using Regedit
Select HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\AutoEndTasks
Set the value to 1
In the same section, select WaitToKillAppTimeout and change its vlue to milliseconds you want.

Change Internet Explorer Title

Goto Registry Editor using Regedit
Select HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title
Change the value to what you want to appear in the title bar

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

PC Tips : Enable / Disable - Highlight Newly Installed Programs

After installation of a new software, in start menu you will get a small pop up which will highlight that new software is installed.

We can disable / enable this option using the following way :

Right Click on Taskbar and select properties

Goto Startmenu Tab and click Customise

And in Advance Tab, Clear Highlight Newly installed programs check box and press OK

PC Tips : Search Option - Windows XP

Normally, Search option in XP will not display hidden files / unknown extension files. But, the following steps will help to find all the files in your PC.

Goto Registry Editor using Regedit and find

HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex

In right side Panel select FilterFilesWithUnknownExtensions

Change the value from 0 to 1

Press F5 to refresh and close your Registry Editor.

Now search option will display all the files in your PC.